Claderm Peloid Clay Mask is The Purest Mask in the Market!

Humic Acid Benefits


Humic acid’s natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help:
  • Purify the skin by extracting toxic substances from the pores
  • Tone the skin by removing dead skin cells
  • Restore natural color to the skin by increasing blood circulation and oxygen flow to the skin
  • Maintain Ph balance of the skin
  • Prevent and reverse aging of the skin by promoting increased collagen production
  • Treat and prevent certain skin conditions such as acne, spots and other blemishes
How it works:
The moist humic compound opens the skin’s pores and, while drying, purifies the skin by extracting bacteria, dirt and grease.This in turn stimulates blood flow and oxygen supply to the face restoring natural skin color and Ph balance. Dead skin cells are removed with the clay. Humic acid contains zinc and magnesium.